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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, April 18, 2013


Anivia The Cryopheonix is my favourite champion in League of Legends!

   Although not  my best champion, i prefer here for a few key reasons:
She is fun
She is a Bird. (birds are awesome)
and She is high difficulty ( I love challenges! )

So here is my (CaptainPeppy's) guide on Anivia, enjoy.

   Anivia is a bursty mid laner with high Crowd Control and is extremly mana hungry

   She has a difficulty rate of 70/100 and a Ability Power rate of 100/100.

   Anivia is playing almost purely as a mid laner, my area of expertise, and can offer extremely game changing crowd control and burst damage that can secure you a victory on almost any game.

   Anivia is especially weak against Fizz and Kassadin due to their high burst damage and ability to dodge Anivia's attacks. When facing these champions try to save your Q spell for emergency purposes only.
Anivia is especially strong against champions that are affected by her ability to easily push lanes, are weak against crowd control or attack speed reduction, or have ultimates that can be cancelled by Anivia's extremely long ranged Q ability, such as: Ryze, Karthus, Kayle and Teemo. Or basically anyone that cannot dodge abilities or push lanes.

Stay away from =  

   In my opinion Anivia is extremely viable in competitive game-play, and semi-reliable in solo queue.
Anivia can be played as full AP burst damage, or as defensively, and still be extremely reliable.

Anivia's Skill Set

Rebirth is Anivia's Passive. When killed she turns into an egg. If the egg is left unharmed for 6 seconds, she will respawn with the amount of remaining health she has. This is extremely good if you want to build tanky or defensive items on Anivia!

Flash Frost is Anivia's Q ability. This is an extemely long ranged spell that does damage to anyone is passes through and anyone it lands on. If timed correctly you can manipulate that so it  goes through and lands on the same person, doing double the damage! yeah ! This is what makes Full AP Anivia so viable.
  • MAGIC DAMAGE: 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 / 180 (+ 50% AP)
  • MAXIMUM DAMAGE: 120 / 180 / 240 / 300 / 360 (+ 100% AP)

Crystallize is Anivia's W ability. Crystallize places a wall made of ice where ever you aim it within a decent range. This spell can be used to trap enemies or to save yourself from being mauled by hungry predators. Pretty Simple and Pretty Awesome.
COOLDOWN: 25  WALL LENGTH: 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800

Frostbite is Anivia's E ability. If played correctly a full combo of Frostbite and Flash Frost and easily kill most of the weaker enemies.  Anivia's E is a single target spell that does moderate damage. If the enemy is "chilled" my either Anivia's Flash Frost or Glacial Storm. The damage is doubled. MAGIC DAMAGE: 55 / 85 / 115 / 145 / 175 (+ 50% AP)
  • CHILLED DAMAGE: 110 / 170 / 230 / 290 / 350 (+ 100% AP)

Glacial Storm is Anivia's Ultimate Ability (R) . Many people find this ability to be weak and cost alot of mana, but it is quite the contrary!!! This is Anivia's bread and butter. If placed correctly this can melt the enemy team, push the minion wave exetremly fast, or strategically "chill" enemies so they receive double damage, and it has a really low cooldown! Anyone who steps inside the storm receives damage over time, the chilling effect, a 20% slow to attack speed and movement speed, and just a really bad time because ANIVIA IS THE BEST!!! The only downside to this Ultimate is it cost a lot of mana and can leave you with 0 mana in a matter of seconds, other than that, this is one of the strongest ultimates in the game.

Item build

   Personally I love to build a defensive Anivia, this leaves little room for Mana items to counter-act how much she needs mana, but at the end of the day this build seems to win the most games during my style of gameplay with Anivia.

Starting items = 

Rush = 


Late Game = 

Situational = 


Gifs of Anivia's Skills

Q Ability = 

W Ability = 

E Ability = 

Ultimate Ability =

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