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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, October 3, 2013

Secondly, the amazing Korean Team SK Telecom T1

SKTT1 started off in 2004 as a multi-gaming organization but has recently switched to LoL.
They are playing this friday for the finals in the Worlds championship for $1,000,000.

SKTT1 is incredibly strong and seems to go up and beyond the world's expectations on mechanical and strategic play.

The whole team is from South Korea and are setting the "Korean Hype Train" to full blast because of their outstanding and never before seen game style that is sweeping the world. They are truely showing the World how it is done and will be remembered in the gaming community forever, especially if they come out in 1st place vs. Royal Club.

Their team consists of :
( from left to right: Piglet, Bengi, PoohManDu, Impact, and Faker)

South KoreaImpactJung Eon-yeong (정언영)Top
South KoreabengiBae Seong-ung (배성웅)Jungle
South KoreaFakerLee Sang-hyeok (이상혁)Mid
South KoreaPigletChae Gwang-jin (채광진)AD
South KoreaPoohManDuLee Jeong-hyeon (이정현)Support
source :

Faker - The team relies on their mid laner, Faker. Faker is known throughout the whole world as being the world's best mid laner, he plays in North American Solo Queue as "BarCodeKiller" and there are videos all over youtube and reddit talking about this mysterious BarCodeKiller who is absolutely dominating the game.
heres a clip from youtube showing how great he is ( warning drops the F-bomb once) -

Bengi - Bengi is absolutely dominating the jungle with his wonderful "buy wards" support-style jungling. It allows Faker and his team to have no worries and concentrate on their game as he counter jungles, counter ganks, and just all around dominates the enemy jungler.

Impact - Right now alot of people are critizing impact for his game play and doing poorly on shen during the worlds, Impact's champion pool is a little bit limited and seems to be uncomfortable on picks he doesnt like. But by no means does that not make him one of the world's best top laners. Although he is still considered the weak link in SKT's line up, he deffinatly has what it takes to win the world championship if Royal Club's Lucky and GodLike don't shut him down.

Piglet and PoohManDu - They are the heart of this team, everyone loves Faker but no one can not resist to comment on Piglet and PoohManDu's absolute dominance in the bot lane, they are pretty much undefeated in the lane and dont rely heavily on Faker's roaming for them to win. Although they are fantastic it does seem to be that Uzi and Tabe from Royal Club can show them how it is done if Faker doesn't come along. Amazing synergy and play style from these two people.  :)

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