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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, October 3, 2013

 Hey guys it is Peppy and im to show you guys how to play Annie, The Dark Child.

Annie was one of the first character's that ever came out in League of Legends, and personally one of my favourite :) . She is a little girl who plays with fire and has a pet bear, sounds cute right? WRONG. She isn't called the "Dark Child" for no reason!
Annie is one of the most unstoppable mid laner's in the game right now and has one of the best kits ever made ( im a little bias because she is my favourite ;) ) . Annie does INSANE AoE damage and can make a team go from 100%  to 0% in a second because of her AoE burst damage and 1.75 second stun that she gets in rotation every 4 spells. If used correctly Annie can stun a whole team in one attack!  She can be used as a SUPPORT, a Lane Dominate MID Laner, or even a roaming MID Laner.

Skill Set -

I recommend Maxing R - W - Q - E in that order, for maximum AoE damage :)

Pyromania - Passive - Every 4 spell attacks, Annie's next spell stuns the opponent for 1.75 seconds. This is extremely strong and since 2 of Annie's attacks are AoE ( Area of Effect ) you can end up stunning the whole enemy team at the same time if you're skilled enough :)

Distintegrate - Q -  Annie blasts a single target with a fire ball, if Annie kills the enemy, the mana cost is refunded, does 85/125/165/205/245 + 70% AP. I recommend maxing this 2nd and using it for farming minions since it refunds mana cost!

Incinerate - W - Annie blasts all enemies infront of her ( AoE ) in a cone shape, dealing 80/130/180/230/280 damage + 75% AP. I recommend maxing this first for massive AoE damage!

Molten Shield - E - Gives any an awesome sheild!  for 5 seconds annie will recieve 20/30/40/50/60 Armor and Magic Resist while hurting anyone who touches her with 20/30/40/50/60 +20% AP damage. Talk about Fiesty eh?

Summon Tibbers - R - Annie's bread and butter skill! She summons her giant stuffed Teddy Bear ( sounds cute right? WRONG ) to deal insane AoE Fire damage to everyone in his path! MUAHAHAHA.  This spell is half the reason why i love playing Annie so so so so much,. Tibbers turn any 5 vs 5 battle into an instant 6v5. He can melt down ( get it, melt? ) anyone in his path and isn't a force to be reckon with. The famous Flash + Tibbers  + W - combo can melt any team from 100 health to 0 in a second, not to mention stunning them for ever! ( 1.75 seconds ) .  Tibbers does a ridiculous 200/325/450 base damage with a +70% AP bonus added on top of that!  Every step he takes he deals 35 + 20% AP bonus damage to all enemies around him, not to mention clawing them with the 80/105/130 damage bear paws of justice! A true force to be reckoned with !  he has 1200/2100/3000 Health Points, 30/50/70 Armor and MR, and deals damage to anyone within 2 meters of him.

Here is a video of Tibbers and Annie absolutely decamating a whole team in a matter of seconds.


I run Magic Pen Reds, Armor/Hp per level yellows,  MR or Ap/level Blues, and Movement Speed quints!
I run this because she is short range and needs defensive runes, has high damage so she needs Magic Penetration to syncronize well with her, and Movement Speed Quints so she can catch up to enemies and smack em with a firey fist full of fearful stunning force. Bang bang bang bang !

Items -
I always build one defensive item on Annie after dorans rings because she really needs them to survive and for tibbers to survive as well! Not only does Annie do burst damage, but she does great damage over time, so survivability will help you and your furry friend survive and win!
Here is my normal build -
- Crystaline Flask + 1 Health Potion + 1 Sight Ward
- x2 Dorans Rings + Boots
- Abyssal Scepter or Zhonya's Hourglass ( if they are AD ) - Some people build Rod of Ages.
- Rabadons! Awesome damage!
- Void Staff ! Awesome damage and Magic Penetration!
- Zhonyas Hourglass ( if I didn't build it yet )
- Rylai's Crystal Scepter - The slowing passive works on tibbers! try it it's awesome
- Liandry's Torment - great late game item and synchs very well with Rylai's

Hope you enjoyed this ! Here is the version of Annie I play ;)
Maybe I will see you guy's online sometime ;) ~ Gwa Peppy

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