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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, October 3, 2013

ITS HERE ! World's finals this friday!!


These two great teams are fighting for $1,000,000 prize pool this Friday October 4th at 11 EST.

Both teams are extremely great, and im super excited to see both of them play for the 1st place prize. The game will consist of a best 3 out of 5 and over 1,000,000 live viewers will be watching to see who takes the world cup!

Both teams are incredibly strong, let me explain the team comps.

First off, the Royal Club. ( from left to right - White, Godlike, Tabe, Lucky, and 16 year old, Uzi )

Royal club is an extremely talented team new to the league of legends field and they are deffinatly showing China, Hong Kong, and the world, who is the best in the scene at the moment

ChinaGoDlikeXiao Wang (肖旺)Top
ChinaLuckyLiu Jun-Jie (刘君杰)Jungle
Hong KongWh1t3zZPun-Wai Lo (盧本偉)Mid
ChinaUziJian Zi-Hao (简自豪)AD
Hong KongTabePak-Kan Wong (王柏勤)Support
Source :

 White in the mid lane - the team completely destroys the roaming and central forces of the opposite teams, leaving their thoughts blank with their impressive strategies and white's shot calls.

Lucky in the jungle - Oh boy Lucky is very lucky indeed, he has shown impressive (and lucky) ganks and counter ganks even when you couldn't imagine it being a possibility, he creates so much pressure on the map he might aswell change his name from lucky  to DANGER.

GodLike on the top lane -  godlike is deffinatly... god-like. He shows his impressive and versatile champion pool and the team can rely on him with picks like Shen, Renekton, and even Jax, if the Royal team needs it, this guy has got it.

and ofcourse, the amazing UZI and TABE combo - In the bot lane shows 22 year old Tabe and 16 year old Uzi. Wow are these guys are amazing, whether it is tabe's amazing and humble championship personality, or uzi's beautiful and diverse plays and item strategies, this isn't the bot lane to mess with.
Uzi and bot lane make the game, they are seem to be unstoppable and are like brothers. Absolutely impressive.

catch it at

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