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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 3 is here and all the hype is around Corki, a old season 2 favourite who was nerfed, but now is back because of the trinity force buffs! Corki is a FUN champ to play, and even stronger attacker in a team. Picking corki in your team is just asking for you to win the laning phase, and then continue to winning the game, he is long range, short range, burst damage, sustained damage, magic damage, and physical. He is literally everything you need in a ranged carry champion. 

Right now the strongest ADCs are Corki , for being so versatile, twitch for being an unstopable teamfighter, and vayne for dealing true damage and burst + high mobility.

In worlds, North America and Europe were largely ignored and were thought to lose versus the korean and chinese teams, but the opposite is happening! europe is doing fantastic and north america just as well, this year is full of great teams from all around the world and there is no clear winner, very excited for the Finals coming soon. 

For those interested here is a list of god tier champions - My favourites are Annie , Twitch, and Karthus, very hopeful in seeing them used in the professional scene :) 

God Tier:

These champions are the best for winning Solo Q games with in the given patch. These champions could arguable be called 'overpowered', but I'm going to try and steer away from using that terminology.
Kassadin (M), Zed (M), Corki (M or ADC), Karthus (M), Eve (J), Fiddlesticks (J or S), Annie(M),Rengar (T), Singed (T), Tryndamere (T), Twisted Fate (M), Twitch (M or ADC), Vayne (ADC), Tri Force.

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