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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Monday, September 16, 2013

    The first day of the World Championships has passed and one thing is for certain. AHRI, AHRI, AHRI. The champion "Ahri" has been crushing the world's teams and the international scene for months now. Faker's ahri has an impressive 100% win rate in about 16 games now. Whether it was the terrifying Ahri + Vi combo, or just Ahri on her self, her amazing AOE (Area of Effect) burst and single target burst leaves no one standing in her tracks, absolutely dominating the lane.

Here is a video montage of Ahri gameplay 

    On the other hand, the team "Gaming Gear"- Europe, has been doing poorly as newcomers on the international scene, even though Mazzerin played a great Gragas, it just wasn't enough to keep the other teams from dominating them early in the game.

    And most importantly, SKT1... Korea's pick to win the whole tournament, got shut down by amazing plays from China's OMG team. The most impressive part was a 3 minute tower dive on Impact, who was still level 1. At level one Impact had to fight 3 people at the same time, and was ultimately shut down. Since that point of the game OMG snowballed and just outplayed SKT1 with pure raw power and strategy, and ended up winning, incredibly impressive.  

Here is a video of Impact getting tower dived at 3 minutes, and a small montage of the SKT1 vs OMG game.

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