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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome back to my class series of Battlefield 4 !
Today, the Support class.

Do not let the name fool you, the support class may be a resupplier of ammo, but little do people expect they hold MASSIVE fire power as they specialize in large machine guns. They usually kill people in 3-5 shots in short to medium range and 4-7 in long range. Some people even equip large scope on their guns to rain down pressure from afar.

One of the most important things about the Support class is how they can lay down litterally thousands of bullets upon the enemy lines, creating suppression, pressure, and great amounts of fear into the enemy lines.

You have not felt the power of the support until one runs into your room and just presses the trigger and does not let go, raining down 200 bullets on your team is no joke, and one loose cannon support can deffinatly "support" their team to victory with RAMBO style mechanics and play style.

Now don't get me wrong, youre not suppose to go Rambo... I suggest playing defensively until the enemy lines are cleared up, then try to flank to enemies and win the conquest!

I would suggest the the M249 as my weapon of choice because of its high ammo capacity and its great stats, lets be honest, wouldn't you be scared around this big guy?

I would Rate this class : 60% defensive, 20% supportive, 20% aggressive.

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