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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, April 18, 2013

   Is there an "origin" to Canadian education?

   Well, humans are naturally born with the ability to "learn" and to "teach", just like our close cousins the ape.

   But believe it or not, psychologists do say there is an "origin" to the education system.
In the early days, we learned by working on the farms, working at home, from our parents, it was rare that we knew more than what our parents knew unless we went out to experience new things.
Ofcourse, it all started when the French came to canada.During the French regime in Canada, the process of learning was integrated into everyday life. While the French government supported the responsibility of the Catholic Church for schooling, the family was the basic unit of social organization and the main context within which almost all learning took place. In the labour-intensive economy of the 17th and 18th centuries, families relied on the economic contributions of their children, who were actively  working. Children learned skills such as gardening, spinning and land clearing from their family members. Young males were trained for various trades through an apprentice-mentor system.
Because the population was small , it was the family that undertook religious instruction and instruction in reading and writing. In certain areas, parish priests established schools in which they taught catechism and other subjects. 
   However, the majority of the population in New France, particularly in the rural areas, could not read and write.

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