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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Friday, April 5, 2013

Sejuani rework !

As someone who loves Sejuani, I feel that I must talk about this new Sejuani rework.
The most significant part, in my opinion, is her new passive: “Frost Armor”.

Before Rework

 This passive will allow her to become a somewhat tanky champion early game, allowing her to farm the jungle with high health.
With this new passive, her old passive “frost” has been moved to a passive effect on her E, “Permafrost”. Her gameplay will still consist of the constant slow, allowing allied champions to follow up on her attacks.
Another significant change is the change on her Q: “Arctic Assault”. Now, when Sejuani collides with an enemy unit, she knocks them up for a brief duration. This added effect will allow her to be a significant force to beckon with before level 6.
Her W “Flail of the Northern Winds” has been changed as well. The first basic attack will have additional magic damage to the target and surrounding enemies. Then, like the old W, she starts dealing area of effect damage for a couple seconds. The basic attack modification will allow her to shave off a couple of seconds off her clear time, but most likely would not be noticeable.
Finally, her ultimate “Glacial Prison” has been changed as well. Her ultimate is now less forgiving, so if she misses, she only gets a slow off to nearby enemies, rather than stunning them. ]

After Rework

Her overall gameplay has been buffed, which I do enjoy a lot. I feel that these additions can allow me to play her more often, tearing through the opponent.

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