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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In grade 10 we are introduced with a class called Careers.
This class is focused on providing guidance and experience to the student before the student enters the workplace, college, or university.
Sounds great right?
Well have any of us ever considered why the course promotes college more than university?
or why the course promotes SHSM  and Co-Op that specifiy in college jobs, such as: Doctor assistant, electrical assistant.

As you can see the amount of baby boomers are decreasing and they are starting to retire.
back in the 1950s the requirment for workplace employees and college degrees were higher than university degrees. Therefore there was an abundant amount of college graduates.
Here in 2012, the amount of people in the workforce go down as the amount of retiring baby boomers increase. At the same time the amount of teachers and courses pursuading students to join the workplace or college also increases.
Coincidence? In my opinion, not at all.

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