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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Friday, October 18, 2013

In a best of 5 game, SKT came around the corner sweeping Royal Club with an impression 3-0 win/loss.

Their teams consisted of amazing plays from Jarvan, Jax, Ahri, Fizz, Gragas, Zed, Lee sin, Malphite, Elise, Orianna, Kayle, Nocturne, and ANNIE. :D

Heres a quick overview/opinion of these highly contested and strong champions.

J4 - Probably the strongest (along with Elise) jungler in the whole game. Amazing Initiate, early game damage, and ganking potential.

Elise - Another amazing jungler, elise has one of the best ganks in the game, and % hp damage, the only down side is that she has an extremely large skill cap.

Fizz - Extremely high skill cap with the greatest ability to outplay in the whole game.

Ahri - Mobility + Burst with an extremely strong CC is asking for a dead ADC.

Gragas - one of the safest mid laners, great poke, burst damage, and amazing initiate, only downside is that he is melee and is difficult to play. Personally i find Gragas the most difficult mid lane champ.

Zed - the single best mid laner in the game right now, even though he is expecting nerfs very soon, he is an aamzing split push, lane bully, ASSASSIN, and duelest.

Lee Sin - Lee sin is probably the most versatile champion in the game, he has mobility, %hp damage, assassaination potential, hard CC, and works out to be a great tank or fighter.

Malphite - The single best initate in the game, getting hit by Malphite is like getting hit by a boulder ( get it ) ? Malphite is an unstopable tank, a safe laner, and a beautiful initiator with Orianna.

Orianna - Orianna is one of the most utility based mid laners in the game. She has great late game scaling, very little weakness in game, can make a nice wombo combo with Malphite, J4, Elise, and many others. The only downside is how difficult she is.

Jax - Jax right now is one of the strongest top laners/pushers in the game right now since the Trinity Force. Jax can destroy in teamfights with his stun and can destroy in 1v1s with his insane mixed damage.

Kayle - one of the only counters to fizz and zed at the moment :) .

Nocturne - DARKNESS, one of the funnest champs to play, amazing as a tank, as a damage dealer, an initiator, and someone to catch people out in their jungles ;D , play Nocturne! His halloween skin is coming out soon.

Annie - The best champ in the game. (just kidding haha) But she is great! At Worlds they played her as a support because of her and tibbers amazing flash stun engage.

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