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// Posted by :CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton // On :Thursday, November 14, 2013

My history of League :) - Flavio Peppy

On Thursday, November 21st, 2013, it will officially complete one exact year of me playing League of Legends, I have learned a lot in the past year and I'm here to show you my overall statistics and some tips about how I personally play this game :). Enjoy.

Total games played = 2613 games.
Total minutes played = 78,958 minutes ( 1315 hours )
    - Knowing this information, this means I spent over 15% of my life in the last year, playing league of legends
    - I spent 33 % of my past year sleeping.
    - I spent 16% of my year at school.
    - and I spent the other 36% with free time.

Total players met = While playing this game I've met 16359 different players
Total games spectated = 94 games
Total minutes of spectating = 677 minutes
Total minutes on a Sunday = 8743 minutes
Total minutes on a Monday = 6215 minutes
Total minutes on a Tuesday = 5076 minutes
Total minutes on a Wednesday = 5137 minutes
Total minutes on a Thursday = 5524 minutes
Total minutes on a Friday = 6835 minutes
Total minutes on a Saturday = 9783 minutes

People I've played most with =
1. GWA 13illymays            --- 16897 minutes  (Taiga)
2. GWA SleezyTrain          --- 9806 minutes    (Ethan)
3. GWA WhiteCrusadr      --- 8513 minutes (Steven)
4. Sprinkalz                        --- 7044 minutes (Victor)
5. AmbiguousQuest            --- 6445 minutes (Jacob)
6. Clloyd                            --- 3490 minutes (Jordon)
7. Mythter                          --- 3292 minutes (Mike)
8.  Red Juliet                      --- 2971 minutes (Jordan)
9. DelightfulUnicow            --- 2533 minutes (Jiwoo)
10. Horia15                        --- 2113 minutes (Horia)

Most Played champs =
1. Katarina  --- 3404 minutes

2. Nidalee   --- 2933 minutes

3. Twisted Fate --- 2654 minutes

Tips and Tricks:

    To be honest, Im not the best player ever, mechanically and skillfully, and I'm not the nicest player ever either, but from the heart I can truly say this, it is a game, never get mad at your team mates, never be upset, never say something rude or something that can make someone else's day worse. People play this game to have fun and to get better at it, it is a GAME. We as the game's community need to remember to try to be nice even if your team mate is really bad. Because behind that character, behind that keyboard, there is something we all forget about, there is a human being. We all have our bad days and we all have days where we just want to yell at people who are making your game more difficult, but the only way I ever climbed to 1650 elo ( Gold 4 ) was by being nice. Never have I won a game where I was rude, never have I won a game where my mental state was thinking I was not going to win. One of my best tips to anyone reading this would be, please, please be nice, please have fun, please enjoy the game, because that all it really is; a game.

   Thank you for reading and enjoying this blog post :) It was a great year and writing all these stats brought back tons of memories! Im sending this to alot of my friends :D I hope they enjoy it too, it was a great year with you guys and I hope I will have atleast some spare time during grade 11 and 12 studying to play some more. :) Life changing ~
~ Flavio Peppy

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