Newest Post

   Since Blizzard got their title taken away for being the most played company online, they have been releasing a whole bunch of new video games trying to get their spot back in the lime light!

   The newest of their games is a card based game named HearthStone, while still in beta it is already very popular and will be the most popular online card game ever made. It is very fun, multiplayer, and easy to learn. You can command characters, summon spells, and release monsters to aid your strategy to win!

   At the moment the game is being played by very famous players such as Dyrus and everyone from TSM. This attracts alot of players from League of Legends to come over and join! Maybe Blizzard has a shot this year to become the most played online game once again! Lets see what they got!


The newst game from Blizzard

Friday, November 15, 2013
Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton
I feel like making a poem today guys, never made one before :)
I am very interested in coding, computers, and technology.
It was probably the most influential thing ever made; code.
Everything we use from our microwaves to our computers to our pencils were made with or with the help of, CODE.

Could you imagine a world without code?
Could you imagine a world without soap?
Could you imagine a world without a modes?
Could you imagine a world without hope?
Okay, I might be exaggerating a little bit
but without tech I think we'd still be illiterate
and how could I do homework or finish it
without a calculator to be with?
Okay, I guess it aint that bad,
anything would still be possible!
we could still make planes that go super fast!
even though it doesn't sound to plausible
and we could watch youtube videos and still have a blast!
oh wait... that takes code
does everything take code now?
our watches, our cars, our computers, our calculators!?!?!?
Thank goodness for a world  with code.
because even without a little bit,
this math homework... I'd never finish it.

For this Blog, I will write a poem.

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton
Over the years the beloved game, MapleStory, has changed dramatically over the years. Back when I used to play the max level was 200 and it was rare to ever see a player over level 100. I myself only met one person.

Then there was the Big Bang Patch that made it a little bit easier to level, it was much more common to see level 80s 90s 100s 120s. I myself reached level 165 on my main account during this team but then took a break to study.

MapleStory progressively added more classes, it went from 5 main classes to over 20+ classes including
With explorer and cygnus having over 5 classes each.

The game has been shifting from a veteran-style game to a game more loved and easily played by beginners, it is now often less reliant on economy, making my 1,600,000,000 in game coins (2 billion being the max) coins almost useless. Now as most would say this would be a bad thing, it actually turned out to make the game very fun :)

The issue : The most recently released classes are... OP. They are broken, and are making the game more difficult for the other players. As MapleStory is a PvM ( Players vs Monsters ) game, this shouldnt be a problem, but they are going to fix it anyways :)

The Latest Patch :
The latest patch is the DawnVeil Patch, what they are going to release in this patch is a complete revamp of all the new and old characters so they are more balanced with eachother, making the game more fun. They are releasing areas for levels +140 plus to train at. And Also they are making the level cap from 200 to 250.

This will ultimately change the game forever, hopefully for the better ;)!

The current state of MapleStory

Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton

My history of League :) - Flavio Peppy

On Thursday, November 21st, 2013, it will officially complete one exact year of me playing League of Legends, I have learned a lot in the past year and I'm here to show you my overall statistics and some tips about how I personally play this game :). Enjoy.

Total games played = 2613 games.
Total minutes played = 78,958 minutes ( 1315 hours )
    - Knowing this information, this means I spent over 15% of my life in the last year, playing league of legends
    - I spent 33 % of my past year sleeping.
    - I spent 16% of my year at school.
    - and I spent the other 36% with free time.

Total players met = While playing this game I've met 16359 different players
Total games spectated = 94 games
Total minutes of spectating = 677 minutes
Total minutes on a Sunday = 8743 minutes
Total minutes on a Monday = 6215 minutes
Total minutes on a Tuesday = 5076 minutes
Total minutes on a Wednesday = 5137 minutes
Total minutes on a Thursday = 5524 minutes
Total minutes on a Friday = 6835 minutes
Total minutes on a Saturday = 9783 minutes

People I've played most with =
1. GWA 13illymays            --- 16897 minutes  (Taiga)
2. GWA SleezyTrain          --- 9806 minutes    (Ethan)
3. GWA WhiteCrusadr      --- 8513 minutes (Steven)
4. Sprinkalz                        --- 7044 minutes (Victor)
5. AmbiguousQuest            --- 6445 minutes (Jacob)
6. Clloyd                            --- 3490 minutes (Jordon)
7. Mythter                          --- 3292 minutes (Mike)
8.  Red Juliet                      --- 2971 minutes (Jordan)
9. DelightfulUnicow            --- 2533 minutes (Jiwoo)
10. Horia15                        --- 2113 minutes (Horia)

Most Played champs =
1. Katarina  --- 3404 minutes

2. Nidalee   --- 2933 minutes

3. Twisted Fate --- 2654 minutes

Tips and Tricks:

    To be honest, Im not the best player ever, mechanically and skillfully, and I'm not the nicest player ever either, but from the heart I can truly say this, it is a game, never get mad at your team mates, never be upset, never say something rude or something that can make someone else's day worse. People play this game to have fun and to get better at it, it is a GAME. We as the game's community need to remember to try to be nice even if your team mate is really bad. Because behind that character, behind that keyboard, there is something we all forget about, there is a human being. We all have our bad days and we all have days where we just want to yell at people who are making your game more difficult, but the only way I ever climbed to 1650 elo ( Gold 4 ) was by being nice. Never have I won a game where I was rude, never have I won a game where my mental state was thinking I was not going to win. One of my best tips to anyone reading this would be, please, please be nice, please have fun, please enjoy the game, because that all it really is; a game.

   Thank you for reading and enjoying this blog post :) It was a great year and writing all these stats brought back tons of memories! Im sending this to alot of my friends :D I hope they enjoy it too, it was a great year with you guys and I hope I will have atleast some spare time during grade 11 and 12 studying to play some more. :) Life changing ~
~ Flavio Peppy

The beginning of a new era.

Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton
Welcome back to my Battlefield 4 class guides
This episode, my personal favourite, RECON.

The recon, or reconnaissance  class is exactly what it sounds like, you are equipped with motion seeking equipment and stealthy gameplay. Your job is to get as much intel as you can on the enemy team's positioning.

Even though you are equipped with a sniper rifle, it is not smart to stay far away from your team as they need you greatly! The recon's most important role is to... recon.
My favourite tactic as the recon class is to be medium range from the enemy team and through my motion seeking devices near them, this gives my whole team vision of the whereabouts of the enemy team for a few seconds, and those few seconds are enough to win you a game.

Unlike other games, in Battlefield 4, you get ALOT of points for assists and spotting, from sitting from a good range and collecting intel and spotting points on the other team, I rack up over 3000 points a game without even killing anyone!

Now you dont have to play it safe ;), like every other class in battlefield you can equip a trusty shotgun and go RAMBO into the enemy base! Believe it or not, you dont get as many points as reconnaissance , but hey its still fun and depending on how the game is going, could win you the game!

The recon class can support with the PLD, a home seeking device to assist engineers, spawn deploys, C4 bombs to blow up vehicles, motion sensors, and flying UAVs so you can drive around spotting those hard to reach enemies.

I would suggest the M82 long distance sniper rifle, but do not be afraid of going close to the enemies if you have a good shot. I would also equip the PLD and some C4 or motion sensors.
I would rate this class 60% support, 20% aggressive, and 20% defensive.
but I have went 20% support and 80% aggressive with a shotgun before, and oh boy its fun! ;)

Battlefield 4 - Recon

Friday, November 1, 2013
Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton
Welcome back to my Battlefield 4 class guides!
This episode, the Engineer.

Probably the funnest class in the game, the engineer is known for their massive rocket launchers and ability to repair vehicles. If you are about to go into a helicopter or tank, make sure you bring along your engineer friend!

Alright so the engineer can basically break or make a team with his ability to shoot down helicopters and destory tanks from afar. This guy along with the recon's PLD can make homing missles that are no joke.

Many times I see helicopter or jet pilots underestimating the raw power of the engineer. Yes, you can carry a game with some great helicopter mechanics, but how are you suppose to do that with rockets flying at youI would suggest switching to the engineer class if there are too many tanks and helicopters giving your team a bad day, especially in large maps like conquest, which are usually full of vehicles everywhere.

I would suggest the Javelin and the AKS-74U as your primary weapons.
I would rate this class 70% aggressive and 30% defensive.

Battlefield 4 - Engineer

Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton
Welcome back to my class series of Battlefield 4 !
Today, the Support class.

Do not let the name fool you, the support class may be a resupplier of ammo, but little do people expect they hold MASSIVE fire power as they specialize in large machine guns. They usually kill people in 3-5 shots in short to medium range and 4-7 in long range. Some people even equip large scope on their guns to rain down pressure from afar.

One of the most important things about the Support class is how they can lay down litterally thousands of bullets upon the enemy lines, creating suppression, pressure, and great amounts of fear into the enemy lines.

You have not felt the power of the support until one runs into your room and just presses the trigger and does not let go, raining down 200 bullets on your team is no joke, and one loose cannon support can deffinatly "support" their team to victory with RAMBO style mechanics and play style.

Now don't get me wrong, youre not suppose to go Rambo... I suggest playing defensively until the enemy lines are cleared up, then try to flank to enemies and win the conquest!

I would suggest the the M249 as my weapon of choice because of its high ammo capacity and its great stats, lets be honest, wouldn't you be scared around this big guy?

I would Rate this class : 60% defensive, 20% supportive, 20% aggressive.

Battlefield 4 - Support

Posted by CaptainPeppy, The Prince of Hamilton

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